
"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace."- 1 Peter 4:10

The Bible teaches that everything we have—our talents, resources, time, and opportunities—are gifts from God. Stewardship involves recognizing this, being faithful in managing these gifts, and using them in ways that honor God, benefit others, and contribute to the flourishing of His creation. It's about responsible and accountable management in line with God's purposes and values.  

Modeling good stewardship behavior as a Catholic parent not only strengthens the family's faith but also equips your child with invaluable life lessons and principles that guide them in becoming responsible, compassionate, and morally conscious individuals within the Catholic community and the world at large.


Meaningful conversations about relevant Bible passages on stewardship, linked to daily life and decisions, are great ways to engage your child in thinking about stewardship. Encourage reflective discussions that connect their choices with biblical teachings. Here are few passages to start with:

  • Parable of the Talents (MT 25:14-30): This parable illustrates the importance of using and multiplying the talents or resources that God has given us.
  • Parable of the Shrewd Manager (LK 16:1-13): This parable encourages wise and responsible management of resources, emphasizing faithfulness in handling worldly possessions.
  • 1 TIM 6:17-19 – These verses teach us to approach wealth with humility, place our trust in God, actively engage in acts of kindness, be generous, and recognize the eternal value of a life lived in accordance with these principles.

Create a habit of daily gratitude exercises such as morning reflections or family sharing during mealtime or bedtime, to appreciate the blessings in your lives. For your younger child, encourage them to draw pictures of things they are thankful for or write a sentence or two about what made them happy that day. An older child can keep a journal where they list three things they are grateful for each day, along with a short explanation or reflection.

When your child actively participates in deciding where to donate money or items, they learn the value of giving back and experience the positive impact of their contributions firsthand. Also, volunteering as a family strengthens family bonds and instills a sense of purpose and civic responsibility in your child from a young age. Whether it's participating in community service initiatives or activities through a church or local organization, these experiences leave lasting impressions and nurture a spirit of selflessness that can endure into adulthood.

Teach them to share resources such as toys, clothes, and other possessions with siblings, friends, or those in need. Engage in family projects that involve sharing, working together, and contributing to the common good. We all benefit from recognition, maybe one of the most important things to do as a parent is to praise and acknowledge instances where your child exhibits good stewardship, reinforcing positive behavior.

Fostering an environment of openness, trust, and communication where your child feels safe to express themself and discuss faith matters will make a big difference in your efforts to teach your child about the importance of stewardship.


What does it look like when someone is not being a good steward? People often consider various behaviors, such as carelessness with belongings, impulse buying, irresponsibility, disregard for the environment, or resistance to helping. It also may be that your child feels the need to give their money away, help others even when it isn't good for them, or cannot say no to someone who may take advantage of their generosity. This can be a great time to help reinforce the practice of being a good steward.

Addressing the needs of your child in learning good stewardship involves understanding their developmental stages and tailoring teachings to their level of comprehension. Recognize that each child learns differently; some may understand concepts through stories, while others might respond better to hands-on activities or discussions.

The prevalent consumer-driven culture often emphasizes material possessions and immediate gratification, posing a challenge in instilling values of stewardship. If your child is not demonstrating good stewardship, this is a great time to model this behavior to your child through your actions—show gratitude, share resources, volunteer, and prioritize responsible use of time, talents, and finances.

What might that look like?

  • Point out when you make decisions to not spend money or when you choose to save money.
  • Let them be part of age-appropriate spending decisions as well as charitable contributions.
  • Talk to them about how much you donate to the parish or another charity and why. Ask if they want to contribute, but don't force them.
  • Discuss when you agree to or decline taking on certain volunteer opportunities and why.
  • Clean out your own closet and let them know why you are giving away certain items. Have your child go with you to make the donation.

Knowing that there are often many worthy organizations to donate to, show your child how you choose who to donate to and how you pray, asking God for guidance. This not only demonstrates to them what it is like to be a good steward, but it also reminds them that they can come to you with financial questions in the future.

It's important to remember that being a Catholic parent isn't about achieving perfection. Rather, it's about making a sincere effort to raise your children in accordance with your faith, values, and beliefs. Acknowledge your limitations and seek God's grace and support throughout this journey.


Want to learn more?

Learn more about Modeling Behaviors

Learn more about Fruitful Conversations

Learn more about Prayer